Book Review: The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry by John Mark Comer

In a world that constantly demands more of our time, attention, and energy, it’s easy to feel like we’re running on a never-ending treadmill. Work, family, social obligations, and the constant ping of notifications leave little space for rest, reflection, and deeper connections. In his book, The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry, John Mark Comer tackles this issue head-on, offering both a critique of our culture’s obsession with speed and practical guidance for slowing down and living more intentionally.

This review delves into the key themes of the book, its relevance in today’s fast-paced world, and how the ideas presented can help us reclaim our time, mental clarity, and ultimately, our peace.

About the Book

The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry is not just a critique of modern life; it’s a call to action. Comer, a pastor and author, uses both personal anecdotes and biblical principles to explore the dangers of living hurried lives. The book is structured around the idea that hurry and busyness are a direct enemy of peace, joy, and deep, meaningful relationships. Comer doesn’t just diagnose the problem but offers practical solutions for reclaiming our time and our lives. The central premise is simple but profound: To live well, we must ruthlessly eliminate hurry.

Key Themes of the Book

1. The Disease of Hurry

Comer argues that hurry has become a kind of modern-day “disease.” It’s not just about being busy, but the mindset of hurry that has infiltrated every aspect of our lives—our work, our relationships, and even our spirituality. This hurried mindset leads to a fragmented, shallow existence, where we are constantly rushing but never truly living.

According to Comer, hurry clouds our ability to be present, to enjoy the simple moments of life, and to cultivate the kind of deep, thoughtful relationships that provide lasting fulfillment. He writes, “Hurry is the great enemy of spiritual life in our day. You can’t do hurry and love well at the same time.”

2. The Pace of Jesus

Comer suggests that, in contrast to our modern obsession with speed, the life of Jesus provides a blueprint for a healthier rhythm of living. Jesus, despite his significant mission, lived at a pace that allowed him to remain present, focused, and compassionate toward others. Comer highlights how Jesus was never hurried, even when facing overwhelming demands. The invitation is clear: If we want to live more like Jesus, we need to adopt a slower, more intentional pace.

3. The Practices of a Slower Life

So, how do we slow down? Comer outlines several spiritual practices and lifestyle changes that can help us resist the temptation to hurry:

  • Silence and Solitude: Taking time to be alone and quiet, without distractions, is essential for recharging our minds and souls.
  • Sabbath: Comer emphasizes the importance of rest, advocating for a weekly day of complete rest from work and digital distractions.
  • Slowing Down in Daily Life: Comer suggests small changes in daily habits, such as walking slowly, driving more intentionally, and reducing unnecessary multitasking.
  • Embracing “Unhurry”: Cultivating a mindset that embraces slow, deliberate living, rather than rushing through life.

These practices, Comer argues, are not just ways to combat busyness; they are spiritual disciplines that help us reconnect with God, others, and ourselves.

4. Digital Detox and Focus

One of the key components of the book is a deep dive into the impact of technology on our hurried lives. With the constant stream of notifications, emails, and social media updates, it’s easy to feel like we’re always “on.” Comer calls for a more mindful approach to technology—encouraging readers to set boundaries, take digital detoxes, and create space for true presence.

What I Loved About the Book

Practical Advice for Real Life

One of the standout features of The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry is its practical approach. Comer doesn’t just talk about the problems of hurry; he provides actionable steps to slow down. Whether it’s scheduling regular moments of silence, practicing Sabbath, or even something as simple as walking slower, the book is full of easy-to-implement suggestions that can help readers reclaim their time and focus.

Clear, Concise, and Relatable

Comer’s writing is straightforward and accessible, making profound ideas about spirituality, time management, and personal growth feel relatable to readers of all backgrounds. His own personal struggles with hurry add an element of vulnerability, and his reflections on how he applies these practices in his own life make the book feel real and attainable.

A Deep Call to Reevaluate Life’s Priorities

At its core, The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry is a spiritual book that challenges readers to reconsider what truly matters. It encourages us to reflect on our priorities, particularly in relation to our relationships, spiritual practices, and overall sense of well-being. In a world that glorifies busyness and productivity, Comer’s message is a refreshing reminder that true success is measured by the depth of our relationships and the quality of our lives, not the speed with which we live them.

What Could Be Improved

Over-Simplification of Complex Problems

While Comer offers powerful suggestions, some readers may find that the problems of hurry and modern busyness are more complex than the solutions presented in the book. For example, people with demanding jobs, children, or financial pressures may struggle to find the time or resources to implement some of the slower practices he recommends. Still, the book’s overarching call to prioritize what matters most can serve as a starting point for those looking to make small, meaningful changes.

A Call for a Countercultural Life

The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry is more than just a self-help book; it’s a call for cultural change. John Mark Comer invites us to consider the ways in which hurry has overtaken our lives and to adopt a radically different pace—one that aligns with deeper, more enduring values of love, peace, and presence. By implementing the practices he outlines, we can rediscover a more balanced and fulfilling way of living.

If you feel overwhelmed by the demands of modern life or if you find yourself running on autopilot, this book is a powerful tool for recalibrating your life. The practice of ruthlessly eliminating hurry may just be the antidote we all need to slow down, breathe, and savor the moments that truly matter.