As a Catholic mom, gift-giving during the holiday season is a special opportunity to nurture my children’s faith, creativity, and intellectual growth. This year, I’m excited to share […]
Election 2024 Results – The First Week
As the dust settles after the 2024 election, I find myself sharing in the mixed emotions of my patients—relief, uncertainty, and, yes, some disappointment. I always find myself […]
Using a Catholic Family Crate to Engage Your Kids in Catholicism: A Fun and Faith-Filled Approach
Raising children in the Catholic faith can be both an enriching and challenging experience, especially in today’s secular culture. As parents, we want our children to understand and […]
Bluey and Catholicism: Lessons in Family, Faith, and Virtue
If you’re a parent of young children, there’s a good chance you’ve encountered Bluey, the Australian animated series that has captured the hearts of families around the world. […]
Boundaries: When to Say Yes, How to Say No to Take Control of Your Life by Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend
In a world that is often characterized by busyness, emotional demands, and relational complexity, setting healthy boundaries is a skill that many of us struggle to master. Boundaries: […]
Book Review: The Anxious Generation: The Case for Limiting Social Media for Kids
In today’s digital age, it’s hard to imagine a world without social media. With platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and Snapchat dominating the online landscape, children and adolescents are […]
Book Review: The Mindful Catholic: Finding God One Moment at a Time by Dr. Gregory Bottaro
In The Mindful Catholic: Finding God One Moment at a Time, Dr. Gregory Bottaro provides a unique and practical guide that blends the principles of mindfulness with Catholic […]
Navigating Marital Conflict: Empathy, Active Listening, and Patient Dialogue
Conflict is a natural part of any relationship, especially marriage. With two individuals coming from different backgrounds, personalities, and perspectives, disagreements are bound to arise. However, how couples […]
12 Psychology / Self-Help Books Worth Reading
Self-Help & Personal Growth Marriage & Relationships Parenting Conclusion This list offers a broad range of books that address various aspects of self-improvement, emotional health, relationship-building, and parenting. […]
The Value of a Classical Curriculum for Catholic Families: Nurturing Virtue, Wisdom, and Faith
As Catholic families strive to raise their children in the faith and prepare them to live lives of virtue, the choice of educational curriculum plays a significant role. […]